English, asked by anna7892, 6 months ago

124. Gold of South Africa is exported to many
countries.correct the article​


Answered by kuldeepkaurlko351

The gold of South Africa is exported to many


Answered by arshaarunsl


The gold of South Africa is exported to many countries.


  • The book you gave me; (used, especially before a noun, with a specifying or particularizing impact as opposed to the indefinite or generalizing force of the indefinite article an or an); Enter the home here.
  • Used to indicate that a proper noun, a natural phenomena, a ship, a structure, a moment in time, a direction on the compass, a branch of activity, or a subject of study is well-known or exceptional
  • The West; the sun; the Alps; Queen Elizabeth; the past. (included in or used as a title):
  • The Reverend John Smith and the Duke of Wellington.
  • Used to indicate that a term refers to the best-known, most favored, most significant, most fulfilling, etc.
  • The hub of American skiing; If you're going to work hard, here is the moment. (Used to indicate that a noun is being used broadly).


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