Accountancy, asked by rajputkanchan127, 3 months ago

13. Paras, Vikas and Nitin are partners in a firm. On 1st January, 2018 their capital was *1,00,000, 280,000 and 60,000 respectively. Their ratio of profit distribution is 3:1:1. Interest @ 5% is given on their capital and Paras gets 8.000 and Vikas 6,000 per annum as salary. During the year the firm eamed profit of 62,000. In the year each partner wwithdrew for personal use 5,000 from the profit. From the above statement prepare Profit and Loss A/c and Partners Capital A/C- (i) By Fixed Capital Method ; and (ii) By Fluctuating Method [ Ans. Net Profit to Paras 21,600. Vikas * 7,200, Nitin 7,200; (1) Balance of Current A/c Paras 29,600, Vikas 12,200, Nitin 5,200 (11) Balance of Capital A/c Paras 1,29,600, Vikas 92,200, Nitin 65,200 ]​


Answered by VKya

Computer is an electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form, according to instructions given to it in a variable program.

Answered by jayasreeghatak13



Do kết quả của việc giám sát an toàn liên tục, FDA và CDC đã khuyến nghị tạm dừng sử dụng Vắc xin Janssen COVID-19, do có các báo cáo về một loại cục máu đông ...Zia do xo ci hi so ci


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