English, asked by sanskritikhg02, 5 months ago

Oxford Current English Grammar
30. I am against (sing) aloud.
31. It is no use (cry) over spilt milk.
32. He finished (speak) and sat down.
33. I am looking forward to (read) your novels.
34. I am thinking of (leave) this job and (go) abroad.
35. She was fined for (drive) without lights.
36. It is not worth (buy).
37. Who enjoys (go) to the doctor?
38. Would you mind (move) a little?
39. I don't feel like (work).
40. Imagine (live) with someone who never stops (talk).
41. I love (eat) oranges, but I dislike (peel) them.
42. I didn't mind their (come) late.
43. I can't understand his (be) in love with a bad-tempered girl
like Mary.
44. I solicit the favour of your (grant) me a week's leave.
45. He will not object to my (live) here.
B. Rewrite the following sentences using a gerund-
1. To do something is better than to do nothing.
2. To see is to believe.
3. It is improper to laugh at the blind.
4. It is bad to eat much.
5. To swim is an exercise.


Answered by Wilhelmina


30. I am against singing aloud

31. It is no use to cry over spirit milk.

32. He finished speaking and sat down.

33. I am looking forward to read your novels.

34. I am thinking of leaving this job and go abroad.

35. She was fined for driving without lights.

36. It is not worth buying.

37. Who enjoys to go to the doctor?

38. Would you mind moving a little?

39. I don't feel like working.

40. Imagine living with someone who never stops talking

41. I love to eat oranges, but I dislike peeling them.

42. I didn't mind their coming late.

43. I can't understand his being in love with a bad-tempered girl like Mary.

44. I solicit the favour of your granting me a week's leave.

45. He will not object to my living here.

B. Rewrite the following sentences using a gerund-

1. something is better than nothing.

2. Seeing is believing.

3. Laughing at the blind is improper.

4. Eating much is bad .

5. Swimming is an exercise.

It took much time....it was difficult

Hope you are helped

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