Physics, asked by suzannepaul2206, 9 months ago

14. Describe the working of a refrigerator
as a heat pump.
Derive an expression for its co?
its co efficient of performance.​


Answered by darabutterfly242



A refrigerator is a carnot’s heat engine working in the reverse direction.  In a refrigerator, the working substance absorbs an amount of heat Q2 from the cold reservoir at temperature T2. An amount of work W is done on it by some external agency (a compressor pump driven by an electric motor) and rejects a larger quantity of heat Q1 to the source at temperature T1 as shown in the fig. In domestic refrigerators, food and ice constitute the cold reservoir and the surroundings act as hot reservoir. Work is done by an electric motor and Freon (CCI2F2) is used as working substance.  The working substance is carried through a cycle of the following steps:  (i) The gas is allowed to expand suddenly (adiabatically) from high to low pressure. This cools it and converts it into a vapour-liquid mixture.  (ii) The cold fluid is allowed to absorb heat Q2 isothermally from cold reservoir. This converts the mixture into vapour.  (iii) Then the vapour is adiabatically compressed till it heat up to the temperature of the surroundings.  (iv) Finally the vapour is compressed isothermally in contact with the surroundings. The vapour releases heat Q1 (= Q1 + W) to the surroundings and returns to the initial state. Here W is the work done on the gas per cycle

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