Two Villages
Written by Zoya Monta
14. In which starza does the sont talk atout the order viage?
The first village is orderly but grey
The people all have a daily routine
They balance work and play.
The houses are all in straight rows,
All are the same colour of white
Although the people there are happy
Every day is the same,
Day after night.
15. In which line does the poot talk about houses with different colours
16. Describe the houses in the ordenly village
17. Describe every day and every night in the second village
The second village is messy but bright
Every day is different
And so is every night.
Sometimes they do their work,
Sometimes they take a break,
And the houses are all ditterent colours
Like colourful icing on a cake,
Two villages, different as can be
Each one is happy, as you can see
They both have vacancies, so
Which one would you choose to live in?
11. Does this poor have a regular or irregular myme scheme?
(1 mark)
18. In the poem, the poet describes two different villages. If you had to live in one of these
villages which village will you live in? Give reason for your answer
(1 mars
12. What is the main idea of this poem Tick (1) the correct answer.
The poem is about how village life is different from oty life.
The pan is about two allages living happily with each other.
The poem is about two different villages which are bom happy
19. Give two examples from the poem which appeal to the sense of sight.
13. While two pairs of myring words from the poem.
(1 mark)
GAL-Unit 5 - AM 2-5
Fiend the poom given below and answer the questions that follow
I also can't understand this
Two Villages
Written by Zoya Monta
14. In which starza does the sont talk atout the order viage?
The first village is orderly but grey
The people all have a daily routine
They balance work and play.
The houses are all in straight rows,
All are the same colour of white
Although the people there are happy
Every day is the same,
Day after night.
15. In which line does the poot talk about houses with different colours
16. Describe the houses in the ordenly village
17. Describe every day and every night in the second village
The second village is messy but bright
Every day is different
And so is every night.
Sometimes they do their work,
Sometimes they take a break,
And the houses are all ditterent colours
Like colourful icing on a cake,
Two villages, different as can be
Each one is happy, as you can see
They both have vacancies, so
Which one would you choose to live in?
11. Does this poor have a regular or irregular myme scheme?
(1 mark)
18. In the poem, the poet describes two different villages. If you had to live in one of these
villages which village will you live in? Give reason for your answer
(1 mars
12. What is the main idea of this poem Tick (1) the correct answer.
The poem is about how village life is different from oty life.
The pan is about two allages living happily with each other.
The poem is about two different villages which are bom happy
19. Give two examples from the poem which appeal to the sense of sight.
13. While two pairs of myring words from the poem.
(1 mark)
GAL-Unit 5 - AM 2-5
Fiend the poom given below and answer the questions that follow