12 44
28 64
3) 70
1) 30
4) 118
2) 13
5) 16
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Step-by-step explanation:
Human diet use only about 12 species of plants as food sources. Three of these are
cereals, rice,corn and wheat. A grain of wheat contains a seed and fruit both of them
are fused in insepreable manner. Seed occupies most of its volume and consist of
3 parts. Endosperm (stored food), embryonic plant, seed coat alongwith protective
layers. Embryonic plant is wheat grain, which is high in vitamins. The starchy
endosperm is used to produce the flour from which our white breads are made. The
seed coat is bran, composed mostly of cellulose, which can not be digested by
humans. For this reason, bran is an excellent roughage substance that adds bulk
to the diet.Human diet use only about 12 species of plants as food sources. Three of these are
cereals, rice,corn and wheat. A grain of wheat contains a seed and fruit both of them
are fused in insepreable manner. Seed occupies most of its volume and consist of
3 parts. Endosperm (stored food), embryonic plant, seed coat alongwith protective
layers. Embryonic plant is wheat grain, which is high in vitamins. The starchy
endosperm is used to produce the flour from which our white breads are made. The
seed coat is bran, composed mostly of cellulose, which can not be digested by
humans. For this reason, bran is an excellent roughage substance that adds bulk
to the diet.
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