English, asked by Srij2006, 9 months ago

15. Don't disturb me. I __my homework. (do, did, am doing)
16. Abdul to be a doctor. (wants, wanting, is wanting)
17. The soup
good. (taste, tastes, is tasting)
18. He TV most evenings. (watches, is watch, is watching)
19. He_ out five minutes ago. (has gone, had gone, went)
20. When he lived in Hyderabad, he to the cinema once a week. (goes, went, was going)
21. The baby ___all morning. (cries, has been crying)
22.1 Rahim at the zoo. (saw, have seen, had seen)
23. Kumar this week. (haven't seen, did't see, am not seeing)
24. This paper _____twice weekly. (is appearing, appearing, appears)
25. Ashok fell off the ladder when he _ the roof. (is mending, was mending, mended)
the correct alternative from those given in brackets.​



Answered by Raunakc


  1. am doing
  2. wants
  3. tastes
  4. watches
  5. went
  6. went
  7. has been crying
  8. saw
  9. haven't seen
  10. appears
  11. was mending
Answered by shreyagoyal81


15. Don't disturb me. I am doing my homework. (do, did, am doing)

16. Abdul wants to be a doctor. (wants, wanting, is wanting)

17. The soup tastes

good. (taste, tastes, is tasting)

18. He watches TV most evenings. (watches, is watch, is watching)

19. He has gone out five minutes ago. (has gone, had gone, went)

21. The baby cries all morning. (cries, has been crying)

22.I saw Rahim at the zoo. (saw, have seen, had seen)

23. I haven't seen Kumar this week. (haven't seen, did't see, am not seeing)

24. This paper appears twice weekly. (is appearing, appearing, appears)

25. Ashok fell off the ladder when he was mending the roof. (is mending, was mending, mended)

Sorry for 20 number even I am not sure about the answer

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