15 lines about gautam budha
Siddhartha Gautama was born in the kingdom of Kapilvastu in Nepal. Today, the birthplace of Buddha is called Lumbini, in Nepal. At the time, a clan called the Shakya's ruled Kapilvastu. His father was a king named Suddodana Tharu, and his mother was Maya Devi. His mother died when he was about 7 months. His father controlled him in a very peaceful and nice way. There were home tutors for him as he was not interested in the outward things that took pace at that time. Siddhārtha lived in luxury; his father kept trouble and hard work far from him. A seer predicted that if Siddhārth stayed inside his palace his whole life, then he would become a great king. However, if he left the palace, then he would become a great religious leader. The king did not want his son to become a religious leader. He kept Siddhartha in the palace for his whole childhood.
- Gautam buddha was married to yashodhara, he had a son with her named rahul. (7) 29 वर्ष की आयु में ...