15 lines on my favourite subject at school for "science"
Science is my favorite subject in school or definitely at least one of them. I life science because I find it interesting to learn all about the world and its history beyond the surface. I love the though of our world completely being made up of items that we cannot see with the naked eye.
Science is one of my favourite subjects in school; in fact, it is the most favourite subject of mine. Logic makes science interesting and the fact that a principle of science applies to our everyday activities, makes it more interesting.Early morning dew drops over flowers, is science; the flying of birds is science; flowing of water in our taps is science; boiling of rice is a science; the running of electric motor and the occurrence of dawn and dusk, all have a scientific principle working from behind. You might not notice or could be oblivious of its presence, but science is always there in the things you do or witness.