English, asked by misbahnoor704, 1 year ago

with meaning and use of sentence


Answered by BrainFestive


to heart's content

as much or as often as you like

The guys went out to field camps and they dressed all grubby and they never showered and they could swear and be real, rowdy little boys again to their hearts' content.

elbow out of  

pressure someone to depart something

The billionaire entrepreneur is sending face masks and ventilators to many places that have been elbowed out of the global brawl over life-saving equipment.

come under fire]

be criticized, be attacked w ith guns

He has come under fire after US outlet NPR obtained a recording of him warning a group of wealthy constituents about the dire economic impact of the coronavirus.

out of the woods

out of danger or difficulty

We are not out of the woods because the virus can apparently be transmitted when people have few symptoms and very difficult to be contained.

bring to its knees

almost defeat someone, or to make them extremely weak

It was also brought to its knees when Rome was sacked by the Visigoths in 410 and the Vandals in 455.

in the wake of  

happening after an event or as a result of it

In the wake of his allegations, the police claimed Wang had been found guilty of fraud, who had become a tool for the west to smear his homeland.

down to earth

with no illusions or pretensions; practical and realistic

After running the roads with him for years I can confirm he is a gentle giant and a down to earth man who lives and breaths trucking and tarmac.

none the less

in spite of that; nevertheless

I fancy that he made a miscalculation, and if we had not been there, his doom would none the less have been sealed.

none other than  

one is surprised or impressed by the person or thing one is about to mention

This person appears to have been none other than Beddington, the famous forger and cracksman.

in full swing

in full operation, at the highest level of activity

In September 1960, the presidential campaign was in full swing; my homeroom and English teacher was also from Hope and, like me, a Democrat

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