Sociology, asked by dimple08narwal81, 1 year ago

15 questionnaires based on the working of the present government​


Answered by alinakincsem


Assuming that the question is about writing 15 questions which can be asked in a questionnaire on a matter of working of current present government, the following answer is given:-


For example if questions are about the Indian government:-

1- What is the current economic position of the government?

2- How much loan has the country taken from IMF?

3-What is India's stance in the International forum?

4- How is the prevailing government working on the SDG's?

5- Is the current government fulfilling its promises mentioned in its manifesto?

6- What new innovations are brought about from the new government?

7-What is the planning scheme of the current government?

8- How will this government overturn the bad decisions of the previous governments?

9-What is the say of the government on removing debt crisis from the country?

10-How effective is the government proving in its ruling of the state?

11-How does the government aim to fulfill its long term goals?

12-What is the stance of the government on the ongoing cases on its members of the cabinet?

13-How will corrupt be dealt with by this government?

14-What is the stance of government on managing the valuation and devaluation of its currency?

15-How will this government make policies for the betterment of effective balance of payment correction?

anushka8034: hi
Answered by Jasleen0599

In order to meet the need of development of economic-political land, the government should take responsible steps.

(1). Questionnaire for the internet usage: What purposes do they typically use the Internet for—personal or business?

(2). Questionnaire for the environmental issues: What are the ideas to solve the environment related problems?

(3). Questionnaire for the registered vote: What are the convenient ways to organize the voting booth in neighborhood?

(4). Questionnaire for the general event feedback: What are the events that the public would enjoy?

(5). Questionnaire for the website feedback: What purposes do they typically use the Internet for—personal or business?

(6). Questionnaire for the human right: Is human rights education incorporated in national plans and strategies?

(7). Questionnaire for the education: Do education laws, education policies and education policy objectives exist?

(8). Questionnaire for the learning environment: Is there a comprehensive training policy on human rights education for teachers and other educational

personnel in schools?

(9). Questionnaire for the youth India: Do opportunities exist in schools for students to express themselves freely, to have responsibility, to participate in decision making and to organize for their own interests?

(10). Questionnaire for the communication with government: Are there interactions between schools, local government, civil society and the wider community facilitating awareness of children’s rights and the key principles of human rights education?

(11). Questionnaire for teaching: Do curriculum subjects in primary and secondary schooling include human rights education?

(12). Questionnaire for the active status of students: Do learning methodologies associated with these human rights education activities exist which are child friendly, learner-centred and encourage participation?

(13). Questionnaire for the institutions: Which institution has the authority to develop, approve and change curricula?

(14). Questionnaire for the teaching material: Do teacher guides, manuals, textbooks, and other teaching and learning materials in primary and

secondary education conform with human rights principles?

(15). Questionnaire for the internet usage for education purpose: To what extent is learning, good practice, research and materials collected and made available to educators in human rights education?

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