English, asked by nainagagneja003, 3 months ago

15. Read the following passage and answer the given question.
Which of the following can be inferred from the above passage?
Life is too short to fight and make enemies. One should always enjoy the good part of life and forget the bad ones. However,
most people cling to the bad part and waste their life in revenge, regret, and remorse.
People should take revenge from their enemies
People should cherish the good moments of life.
Neople should enjoy their life but never forget the bad part.
Life is big, make it large.​


Answered by anayk614


i) What happens if a complaint is exaggerated?

Answer: Makes other person think you are unreasonable / may stop listening to your arguement.

ii) Name two activities that to help to keep arguments under control.

Answer:Learning to agrue clearly and fairly. Time out.

iii) Raising our voice in an argument is not good. Why?

Answer:Makes other person lose temper.

iv) What happens if we don’t learn to argue properly?

Answer: We fail to deal with conflicts which are part and parcel of life.

v) How does ‘Time Out’ help’ in argument?

Answer: One feels less tense and angry and it helps reach an agreement.

vi) When is your partner in an argument more ready to think about your point of view?

Answer: If you keep to the topic.

vii) Find words/phrases from the passage which mean the OPPOSITE as each of the following

a) Surely (Para-4)

Answer: Perheps

b) Initial (Para 8)

Answer: Final

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