Hindi, asked by devu004, 10 months ago

15 sentence about salt satyagraha and 5 one word question in hindi​


Answered by sofia123482


महात्मा गांधी ने 12 मार्च, 1930 में अहमदाबाद के पास स्थित साबरमती आश्रम से दांडी गांव तक 24 दिनों का पैदल मार्च निकाला था. दांडी मार्च (Dandi March) जिसे नमक मार्च, दांडी सत्याग्रह के रूप में भी जाना जाता है 1930 में महात्मा गांधी के द्वारा अंग्रेज सरकार के नमक के ऊपर कर लगाने के कानून के विरुद्ध किया आंदोलन था.

Answered by vidhi0705


The Salt March, also known as the Salt Satyagraha, Dandi March and the Dandi Satyagraha, was an act of nonviolent civil disobedience in colonial India led by Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. ... The Congress Party planned to stage a satyagraha at the Dharasana Salt Works, 25 miles south of Dandi.

During the march, thousands of Indians followed Gandhi from his religious retreat near Ahmedabad to the Arabian Sea coast, a distance of some 240 miles. The march resulted in the arrest of nearly 60,000 people, including Gandhi himself. India finally was granted its independence in 1947.

Mahatma Gandhi appointed Tyabji, at age seventy-six, to replace him as leader of the Salt Satyagraha in May 1930 after Gandhi's arrest. Tyabji was arrested soon afterward and imprisoned by the British Indian Government. Gandhi and others respectfully called Tyabji the "Grand Old Man of Gujarat".

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