15 sentence on importance discipline in life
if there is discipline in our life we can do every work on time.dicipline makes our self more scencer. if there is discipline our life we do our work on time discipline makes our to run properly in a manner.
Answer: Discipline is one of the most important virtues in human life. It has its birth in human-being’s wish for happiness. In the dim dawn of human history, the need of society was realized when men felt that the law of the jungle no longer appealed to them and that a life of orderliness and obedience, a life of love, peace and co-operation would be more rewarding.
Discipline plays an important role in the overall well-being of a family. In a family, the parents, the children, brothers and sisters and even the servant – all have their allotted duties to perform and the family boat sails on smoothly in all weather if each of them discharged his responsibility. The same thing is true to the society.