15 shortcut keys of adobe photoshop
1) Control + Alt + i (Command + Option + i ) = Change the image size.
2) Control + Alt + c (Command + Option + c ) = Change canvas size.
3) Control + + (Command + + ) = Zoom in.
4) Control + - (Command + - ) = Zoom out.
Control + ' (Command + ' ) = Show or hide the grid, the automatically-generated horizontal and vertical lines that help align objects to the canvas.
5) v = Pointer, a.k.a. Move Tool pointer-tool.png
6) w = Magic Wand magic-wand-tool.png
7) m = Rectangular Marquee, a.k.a. the Select Tool marquee-tool-1.png
8) l = Lasso lasso-tool.png
9) i = Eyedropper eyedropper-tool.png
10) c = Crop Screen Shot 2017-05-26 at 12.09.20 PM.png
11) e = Eraser Screen Shot 2017-05-26 at 12.21.32 PM.png
12) u = Rectangle rectangle-tool.png
13) t = Horizontal Type text-tool.png
14) b = Brush Screen Shot 2017-05-26 at 12.15.15 PM.png
15) y = History Brush history-brush-tool.png