150 word essy on topic wars should be banned
War is characterized by international violence on the part of large bodies of individuals organized and trained for that purpose on the national level, some wars are fought intentionally between rival political fiction, other are fought against an external enemy. Wars have been fought in the name of religion, in-self-defense to acquire territory or resources, and to further the political aims of the pressure state’s leadership.
War is in itself is a disadvantage to the society as a whole, it not only is a costly affair but leaves an ever lasting impact on any nation, who are a part of it and in most cases the people involved can never over come the after effects it leaves behind on their minds. The death, casualties where people are wounded by the bullets, land mines, rocket launchers, hydrogen / chemical / nuclear weapon's, people massacred or the wealth / resources plundered are some of the horrifying experiences the world has witnessed in all the wars to date. War has left many a nation both politically