English, asked by 7065450768, 1 year ago

150 word paragraph of my first bus journey


Answered by shruti1618
It is generally said that a journey by bus is not so thrilling as one by train or aero plane is. However, I had quite a pleasant experience of the journey by bus which I undertook last Sunday.

The week before Sunday had been a very hot one. My parents decided to spend a week at Shimla. We boarded the bus from Chandigarh to go to Shimla. We reached the bus stand early in the morning. My father had to stand in a queue for some minutes to buy the tickets. Meanwhile, we killed the time by sitting on a bench near the queue.

Hardly had father bought the tickets at the booking window when the bus bound for Shimla came. We boarded it immediately. I was feeling a thrill of pleasure in my heart. I was fortunate in getting a seat near the window. I looked out constantly with great curiosity. At first the terrain was plain and it was quite hot even in the bus.

After sometimes, the bus moved on a hilly terrain and seemed to be moving upwards. It passed through a number of dark tunnels. I however, did not feel afraid because my papa and mummy were also there with me. Moreover, I found myself quite grown up to be courageous and bold.

I saw green hills, lush green forests which were dark and deep and small rivulets and springs. The pine trees looked very charming. The colorful flowers dancing in the breeze seemed to carry away my heart.

Indeed, it was a hilarious journey. As we reached Shimla, we felt that it was there cold enough to force us to wear some woolen garments. This was my first visit to Shimla which I can never forget. Nor I can ever forget the sweet journey by bus that we had.

Hope this help you...
Thank you..

 \huge{ \underline{ \overline{ \mid{ \mathfrak{ \purple{ \:   \: ANSWER \:  \: } \mid}}}}}

\:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \huge{ \underline{ \mathfrak{ \pink{ \:  \: Paragraph\:  \:  on  \:  \: }}}} \\  \\  \bold{\underline{ \underline{ \blue{ \:  \: MY \: \: FIRST \: \: JOURNEY \:  \:   BY \:  \:   BUS \:  \: }}}}

  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \: \text{It was the month of October. Our school was closed } \\  \text{for ten days because of the Puja vacation. I have a friend } \\  \text{in Jorhat District. He invited me to pay a visit to his } \\  \text{house. I wrote to him earlier that I would go to Jorhat} \\  \text{during the Puja vacation.} \\  \\   \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \: \mathtt{It  \:  \: was \:  \:  the \:  \:  sunday \:  \:  in  \:  \: first \:  \:  fortnight  \:  \: of  \:  \:} \\  \mathtt{ October. My  \:  \: elder  \:  \: sister  \:  \: and  \:  \: I \:  \:  set  \:  \: out  \:  \: to  \:  \: the \:  \:  bus  \:  \:} \\  \mathtt{ station.  \: The \:  \:  buses  \:  \: of \:  \:  the \:  \:  State  \:  \: Transport \:  \:   } \\  \mathtt{Corporation's  \:  \: bus. \:  Private \:  \:  buses  \:  \: are \:  \:  also \:  \:  there.  \: } \\  \mathtt{We took  \:  \: our \:  \:  seat \:  \:  in \:  \:  the  \: second \:  \:  row  \:  \: of a bus.  \: The \:  \:  bus  \:  \:} \\  \mathtt{ was  \:  \: full  \:  \: with  \:  \: passengers,  \:there \:  \:  are some  \:  \: people \:  \:  } \\  \mathtt{whom  \:  \: we  \:  \:  knew \:  \:  as  \:  \: they  \:  \: were \:  \:  from \:  \:  our  \:  \: place. It  \: \: } \\ \mathtt{was \: \:  my  \:  \: first \: \:  bus \: \:  journey. }

 \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \mathtt{The \:   \: driver \:  \:  came \:  \:  in \:  \:  and  \:  \: took \:  \:  his \:  \:  usual  \:  \: seat. \: } \\  \mathtt{ The \:  \:  conductor \:  \:  rang \:  \:  the  \:  \: bell. \:  The \:  \:  bus \:  \:  started \:  \:  to \:  \: } \\  \mathtt{ move.  \: I  \:  \: was \:  \:  thrilled \:  \:  in \:  \:  anticipation  \:  \: of  \:  \: a \:  \:  long  \:  \: journey \:  \: } \\  \mathtt{ by  \:  \: bus.  \:  Familiar  \:  \: scene \:  \:  in  \:  \: both  \:  \: side \:  \:  of  \:  \: the \:  \:  road  \:  \:}  \\ \mathtt{passed   \:  \: out  \:  \: of  \:  \: sight. \:  The  \:  \: second \:  \:  of  \:  \: the \:  \:  bus  \:  \: engine  \:  \:} \\  \mathtt{ thrilled \:  \:  me \:  \:  inside \:  \:  the  \:  \: bus.  \: In \:  \:  an  \:  \: hour  \:  \: the \:  \:  bus \:  \:  } \\  \mathtt{reached \:  \:  Nagaon,  \: where  \:  \: some  \:  \: passengers \:  \:  got \:  \:  into  \:  \: } \\  \mathtt{the \:  \:  bus.}

 \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \: \text{The day was fine. The sky was blue. Sunshine } \\  \text{was there. A gentle  breeze was blowing. The bus } \\  \text{halted at Jakhalabandha. Almost all the passengers } \\  \text{got down the bus  for refreshment. We too entered  in } \\  \text{a hotel and had our refreshment. After one hour, we } \\  \text{reached Kaziranga, the wildlife sanctuary of Assam.} \\  \text{ Going along the Kaziranga cheered me up. We saw} \\  \text{ two rhinos grazing at a little distance from the} \\  \text{ national  highway. Our bus passed through many  tea} \\  \text{  gardens. It  is  a very  pleasing  sight. The tea gardens} \\  \text{ in both sides  of  the  road  stretches  beyond our  sight.} \\  \\

  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \: \mathtt{At  \:  \:  about \:  \:   2 \:  p.m.,  \: the \:  \:  bus  \:  \:  stopped \:  \:  at  \:  \:  the  \:  \: } \\  \mathtt{ Jorhat   \:  \: bus  \:  \:  station.  \: My  \:  \: friend \:  \:  Raj  \:  \: was  \:  \: already \:  \: } \\  \mathtt{ there \:  \:  with \:  \:  his  \:  \:  car . He  \:  \: waited \:  \:  for  \:  \: us. We  \:  \: took  \:  \:} \\  \mathtt{ our \:  \:  luggages \:  \:  out   \:  \: of \:  \:   the \:  \:  bus. Then  \:  \: we  \:  \: went  \:  \: to  \:  \:}  \\ \mathtt{ the \:  \:  parking \:  \:  place \:  \:  and  \:  \: from  \:  \: there \:  \:  we  \:  \: had \:  \:  gone \:  \:  }\\  \mathtt{ to \:  \:  his  \:  \: house. }

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