16.Continuously water-logged soils are disadvantageous for plantgrowth. Why?
17.Why is soil erosion relatively less in dense forests as comparedto barren, open fields?
18.Gardeners gently dig up the soil around the roots of gardenherbs (plants) frequently. Give reasons.
19.In towns and cities, generally, the bore wells have to be dugvery deep to get water as compared to bore wells dug in villages.Give suitable reasons.
pls answer this in 5-10 lines each question
16. Roots although underground have living organisms which need Oxygen for their growth and respiration. Soil have pores which may be occupied by air and water. If all spaces occupied by water in the soil, then there will be no space for air. Therefore, continuously water logged soils are disadvantageous for plant growth.
17. The soil particles become loose due to the impact of raindrops and the flow of water carries them away The flowing water further erodes the soil surface aggravating erosion.
18. Gardeners gently dig up the soil around the roots of garden herbs (plants) frequently because: It helps the plant roots to penetrate deep into the soil. It improves soil aeration and reduces soil compaction. It makes available more oxygen to the soil.
19. Villages have larger areas of open soil surface and fewer asphalted roads and concrete surfaces. Thus, larger soil surface area is available for rain water to percolate into the soil easily and recharge the ground water. As a result, even shallow bore wells yield water.