English, asked by ankitkumard9, 9 months ago

Read the following passage carefully. Make notes in points only,
using appropriate headings and sub-headings. Also use recognizable
Books are by far the most lasting products of human efforts.
Temples crumble into ruin, pictures and states decay, but books survive.
o no account with great thoughts which are as fresh today
as when they first passed through their authors' minds ages ago.
what was then thought and said still speaks to us as ever from the
printed page. The only effect of time has been to sift and winnow out
the bad product; for nothing in literature can long survive but what is
really good. Books introduce us into the best society: they bring us into
the presence of the greatest minds that have lived. We hear what they
said: we see them as if they were really alive, we sympathize with them,
enjoy with them. grieve with them; their experience becomes ours; and
we feel as if we were actors with them in the scenes which they describe.
Books are known to be a man's best friend. They are a powerhouse
of knowledge and wisdom. It is rightly said, "There is no friend as
loyal as a book." Books have so much to give us and do not ask anything
in return. A good book can uplift our mood instantly and leave a deep
impact on us. It is thus highly recommended to read different kinds
of books to grow wiser.


Answered by heemani26




Answered by Anonymous

Books as our friend

In this time and age, claiming that you read books may stir shocking glances and remarks from people around you. Don’t worry, it has always been this way since the concept of reading and writing began. However, unlike the ancient times where reading and writing was a rich man’s affair, nowadays anybody can get access to books.

The irony is that majority of people do not want to read books. Reading is so unpopular to the point that people would rather grapple in life, ignoring the fact that whatever they are seeking is more than likely in books. It is actually a fact that our world leaders, the richest people and all the people who make a difference on earth are avid readers.

Books are my best friends- not because I’m socially awkward and I’m unable to get human friends. It is because books carry a lot of treasures that no human being has. You can have a friend that is caring and loving, but completely lacking in the intellectual side of things. This is why I need books: to compliment wherever my human friends lack. Books have their own limitations also.

#They don't question us

#They make us forget our troubles

#They are always there for us

#They make us a better person


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