English, asked by skhan864980, 2 months ago

Section 4
0.1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions
given below:
Garbage is a great environmental hazard. It comes from various
sources used paper, Tiffin pickings, plastic bags, ice-cream
wrappers, bottle caps, fallen leaves from trees and many more.
Garbage makes the premises ugly, unkempt and breeds diseases.
A lot of trash that is thrown away contains material that can be
recycled and reused such as paper, metals and glass which can
be sent to the nearest recycling centre or disposed of to the junk
dealer. It also contains organic matter such as leaves which can
enrich soil fertility. A compost pit can be made at a convenient
location where the refuse can be placed with layers of soil and
an occasional sprinkling of water. This would help decomposi-
tion to make valuable fertilizer. This would also prevent pollu-
tion that is usually caused by burning such organic waste.
a. The main sources of Garbage in present conditions-
i. Household things ii. Plots and other materials
ul. Water and liquid iv. Plastic bags
b. Leaves can enrich......... fertility.
i. water ii. Soil
iii. Air iv. Human body.
c. The noun form of the word 'recycled'-
i. recycle ii. Recycling ii. Recyclingly iv. To recycled.
d. Give the meaning of the 'nearest'-
i. closest ii. Closely iii. Far iv. Far away,
e. Give a great environmental hazard-


Answered by upendrakatti2004


Answer:a)4. 'plastic bags'

Answer:a)4. 'plastic bags'b)2.' soil fertility '

c)1. 'recycle'

d)1. 'closest'

e)Garbage is a great environmental hazard

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