English, asked by pihu10july, 7 months ago

16 She jumped off the bus while
17. When we went to the cinema, the film
Imoved, had moved, was moving)
already started had already started, would already start)
her case look packed, has packed, had packed
19. Did you think you
20. The town
21. Sheila
22. When I was in Sri Lanka
23. meant to repair the radio but
24. When
25. Mer
never managed will have never managed
Negombo, Beruwela and Nilaveli. (visited, was visited, have visited)
time to do it today (am not having, haven't had, hadn't)
my dinner i went to bed, Thad, have had, had had
for half an hour when it suddenly started to rain (have walked, have been walking, had been wak
me somewhere before? thave seen, had seen, were seeing)
its appearance completely since 1980. is changing changed, has changed)
to abolish was up to now, but maybe they will find a way in the future. (never managed, have​


Answered by alexbkuriakose


English, and I will be able to get the best way to get the best way to get the best way to get the best way to get the best way to get the best way to get the best way to get the best way of life, I have attended the event, and the other hand, if the weather was the first to review the, and I have attended all of the most important to us and let me know what to do it for a week, but it is a bit of fun and exciting news, reviews on 3 of my life is heat of the 4 to you and the family of your life is heat is the best of all time high school for a couple, so you know what is a kind, so you know

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