16th question please do fast :]

It's simple bro

Hey there!
Here is your answer:
Given places Aand B are 100km apart
CASE 1:They start travelling in the same direction at different speeds and they meet in 5hours.This statement means that the difference between the distance covered by the first car and the second car is 100km
Distance= speed*time
Let the speed of first car and the second car be x & y respectively
Time = 5hours
Equation: 5x-5y=100
or x-y=20----------(1)
CASE 2: Both the cars are travelling towards each other and they meet in 1 hour..which means the sum of the distance covered by the 2 cars is 100km
Distance= speed*time
Time= I hour
Equation= 1x+1y=100
or x+y=100------------(2)
Adding equations (1) and (2) we get,
==> X=60
Speed of the first car = 60km/h
Speed of the second car=40km/h
Hope it helps!
Thank you
Happy learning ✨