17 Balance of Cash in hand +4.000, overdraft at Bank 250.000
Invested further capital 1,00,000 out of which 760.000 deposited into the bank
Sold goods for cash 30,000 plus CGST and SGST 6% each
10 Purchased goods €55,000 plus CGST and SGST 6% each and issued a chequ
for the same
11 Paid to Ram Vilas, our creditor 25,000: discount allowed by him 1.000
14 Rent of €8,000 plus CGST and SGST @ 6% each paid by cheque
islomice Furniture purchased and a cheque of 22,400 issued for the same
including CGST and SGST @ 6% each
16 Drew cheque for personal use 25,000
18 Collection from Atul 15,000, deposited in the bank on 19th April
20 Goods sold to Amritraj for 280,000 plus CGST and SGST 6% cach.
25 Received a cheque of 288,000 from Amritraj in full settlement of his accou
deposited into bank on 28th April.
29 Drew from the bank for salary of the office staff *25.000
29 Paid salary of the manager by cheque 10,000
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