Math, asked by lazyproton, 5 months ago

17. Find the average of all the three-digit numbers whose
units digit is half the hundreds digit
(A) 547.5 (B) 550 (C) 500 (D) 524.5​


Answered by mayankdujari65

Step-by-step explanation:

200 400 600 800 only psbl series

Answered by syed2020ashaels


Step-by-step explanation:

  • The three digit numbers which have units digit that is half the hundreds digit are:

   Two hundred and one, two hundred and eleven, two hundred and twenty one, two hundred and thirty one, two hundred and forty one, two hundred and fifty one, two hundred and sixty one, two hundred and seventy one, two hundred and eighty one, two hundred and ninety one, four hundred and two, Four hundred and twelve, four hundred and twenty two, four hundred and thirty two, four hundred and forty two, four hundred and sixty two, four hundred and seventy two, four hundred and ninety two, six hundred and three, six hundred and thirteen, six hundred and twenty three, six hundred and thirty three, six hundred and forty three, six hundred and fifty three, six hundred and sixty three, six hundred and seventy three, six hundred and eighty three, six hundred and ninety three, eight hundred and four, eight hundred and fourteen, eight hundred and twenty four, eight hundred and thirty four, eight hundred and forty four, eight hundred and fifty four, eight hundred and sixty four, eight hundred and seventy four, eight hundred and eighty four, eight hundred and ninety four.

Therefore, average of these numbers is:

( 201+211+221+231+241+251+261+271+281+291+402+412+422+432+442+452+462+472+482+492+603+613+623+633+643+653+663+673+683+693+804+814+824+834+844+854+864+874+884+894)/40

= 21900/40


Hence, the average will be 547.5

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