17. Write about adipose & skeletal tissue
•Adipose tissue
The adipose tissue is a central metabolic organ in the regulation of whole-body energy homeostasis. The white adipose tissue functions as a key energy reservoir for other organs, whereas the brown adipose tissue accumulates lipids for cold-induced adaptive thermogenesis.
•Skeletal tissue
Skeletal muscle is an excitable, contractile tissue responsible for maintaining posture and moving the orbits, together with the appendicular and axial skeletons. It attaches to bones and the orbits through tendons.
adipose tissues are also known as fat tissues. they occupy space between two organs and also are a storage of food. they are heat regulators and help in keeping the body warm during cold times.
skeletal tissues are also connective tissues , they are the main constituents of bones which give a definite shape to the body. they also protect the main organs like heart , brain , lungs , spinal cord , etc.