174 urbe And Us Puro
The boiling points and melting, saints
(4) The properties of compounds som
13. Which of the following statements is corre
heegenecus morture in which the small
(1) Compounds can
cartides of a solidare spread throughout a liquid
constituents by physical proces
B A soutien
compounds are not fixed
(21 nelernen
(3) The composition of comptines not see
(3) A suspension
different from those of its constituents
14. The physical state of a salutar
2 A true son
(1) Is always liquid
(1) is a heterogeneous torture
(2 ls sala
(2) is highly unsacie
(3) Can be liquid. sclia or gas.
(4) Is same as that of solure
(3) Carton rougia filter paper
15. Which of the following statements is correct
50. scader ight
() A solution s a homogeneous TXLE CHCE
which are the following is a chemical change?
more liquids only
(1) Mesog
(2) Erass is a solution of sand nas
(3) Smoke is homogeneous in nature
2. Buning of suphur
(4) Aerated drink is a solution of gas. Inicu
3) Meting of we
16. The temperature at which he vapourpressed
4) Eraporation of water
liquid becomes equal to the atmospheric pressure
TO A compound
(1) Melting point 21 Sublimation cont
(1) as a fked meting point
(3 Bailing point (4) Freezing out
(2) Has a variable composition
17. The pair of solute and solvent that cannot for
Has properties same as those of its callaxdal solution
(7) Oil - Water
2) Vinegar - Water
4 can be separated into its constituents by
(3) Soad - Water (4) Milk - Water
physical processes
18. In collaldal atate, partide de range is from
11. Which of the following is not a chemical change?
(1) A 6 10 A (2) 20 A to 50. A
(1) Pusing of ron
(37 1 am to 500 nm (rom
19. The sky looks'blue due to
12 onwering weet into steam
(1) Dispersion effect
3) Prodang cur from me
(2) Reflection at ight
14 Burning of coal
Tranenignon fight
14). Scanering of light
Coladal solution
20. Smoke is an mampte af
2; The soutien
(1) Gas diupared in que
2) Cesar
Bom 1980
() para
Answered by
hhgffxiziksskksksksmsmnznxn!nAnjsn|°з°|( ˘ ³˘)♥(*^3^)|°з°|(○゜ε^○)|°з°|~(^з^)-☆~(^з^)-☆~(^з^)-♡(´ε`*)(○´3`)ノ(´ε`*)⊂(ο・㉨・ο)⊃(●`・(エ)・´●)⊂(ο・㉨・ο)⊃(●`・(エ)・´●)ヾ(T(エ)Tヽ)ヾ(T(エ)Tヽ)\(・`(ェ)・)/(^(I)^)(^(エ)^)⊂( ̄(工) ̄)⊃( ̄(エ) ̄)ノ⊂( ̄(工) ̄)⊃( ̄(エ) ̄)rite the difference between Kavitha, shayari, doha and sher? Collect one each related to honey rite the difference between Kavitha, shayari, doha and sher? rite the difference between Kavitha, shayari, doha and sher?rite the difference between Kavitha, shayari, doha and sher? Collect one each related to rite the difference between Kavitha, shayari, doha and sher? Collect one each related to honey
and honeybees (with meaning).
and honeybees (with meaning).Collect one each related to honey
and honeybees (with meaning). one each related to honey
and honeybees (with meaning).
and honeybees (with meaning).
good answer
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