History, asked by jaiswaldileep52, 22 days ago

18 वीं शताब्दी में भारत में आंग्ल् प्रान्सीसी प्रति दृढिता का वर्णन करें


Answered by deexitap


1612 और 1757 के बीच ईस्ट इंडिया कंपनी ने मुगल सम्राटों की सहमति से, कई स्थानों पर, ज्यादातर तटीय भारत में, "फैक्ट्रीज़) (ट्रेडिंग पोस्ट) की स्थापना की या स्थानीय शासक। इसके प्रतिद्वंद्वी पुर्तगाल, डेनमार्क, नीदरलैंड और फ्रांस की व्यापारी व्यापारिक कंपनियां थीं। 18 वीं शताब्दी के मध्य तक तीन प्रेसीडेंसी टाउन : मद्रास, बॉम्बे और कलकत्ता आकार में बड़े हो गए थे।

भारत में कंपनी शासन की अवधि के दौरान, १18५18-१ the५ the, कंपनी ने धीरे-धीरे भारत के बड़े हिस्से पर संप्रभुता हासिल कर ली, जिसे अब "प्रेसीडेंसी" कहा जाता है। हालांकि, यह क्राउन के साथ संप्रभुता को साझा करने के प्रभाव में ब्रिटिश सरकार की निगरानी में भी तेजी से आया। एक ही समय में, यह धीरे-धीरे

Answered by yazanayousef


plz mark me as brainlist plz

East India Company

British involvement in India during the 18th century can be divided into two phases, one ending and the other beginning at mid-century. In the first half of the century, the British were a trading presence at certain points along the coast; from the 1750s they began to wage war on land in eastern and south-eastern India and to reap the reward of successful warfare, which was the exercise of political power, notably over the rich province of Bengal. By the end of the century British rule had been consolidated over the first conquests and it was being extended up the Ganges valley to Delhi and over most of the peninsula of southern India. By then the British had established a military dominance that would enable them in the next fifty years to subdue all the remaining Indian states of any consequence, either conquering them or forcing their rulers to become subordinate allies.

...India became the focal point of the Company's trade.

At the beginning of the 18th century English commerce with India was nearly a hundred years old. It was transacted by the East India Company, which had been given a monopoly of all English trade to Asia by royal grant at its foundation in 1600. Through many vicissitudes, the Company had evolved into a commercial concern only matched in size by its Dutch rival. Some 3000 shareholders subscribed to a stock of £3 200 000; a further £6 million was borrowed on short-term bonds; twenty or thirty ships a year were sent to Asia and annual sales in London were worth up to £2 million. Twenty-four directors, elected annually by the shareholders ran the Company's operations from its headquarters in the City of London.

Towards the end of the 17th century India became the focal point of the Company's trade. Cotton cloth woven by Indian weavers was being imported into Britain in huge quantities to supply a worldwide demand for cheap, washable, lightweight fabrics for dresses and furnishings. The Company's main settlements, Bombay, Madras and Calcutta were established in the Indian provinces where cotton textiles for export were most readily available. These settlements had evolved from 'factories' or trading posts into major commercial towns under British jurisdiction, as Indian merchants and artisans moved in to do business with the Company and with the British inhabitants who lived there.


Regional politics

The East India Company's trade was built on a sophisticated Indian economy. India offered foreign traders the skills of its artisans in weaving cloth and winding raw silk, agricultural products for export, such as sugar, the indigo dye or opium, and the services of substantial merchants and rich bankers. During the 17th century at least, the effective rule maintained by the Mughal emperors throughout much of the subcontinent provided a secure framework for trade.

The Mughal empire had disintegrated...

The Company's Indian trade in the first half of the 18th century seemed to be established on a stable and profitable basis. Those who directed its affairs in London could see no case for military or political intervention to try to change the status quo. The British did, however, start to intervene in Indian politics from the 1750s, and revolutionary changes in their role in India were to follow. This change of course can best be explained partly in terms of changed conditions in India and partly as a consequence of the aggressive ambitions of the local British themselves.

Conditions in India were certainly changing. The Mughal empire had disintegrated and was being replaced by a variety of regional states. This did not produce a situation of anarchy and chaos, as used once to be assumed. Some of the regional states maintained stable rule and there was no marked overall economic decline throughout India.

A successful kingmaker...could become prodigiously rich.

There were, however, conflicts within some of the new states. Contestants for power in certain coastal states were willing to seek European support for their ambitions and Europeans were only too willing to give it. In part, they acted on behalf of their companies. By the 1740s rivalry between the British and the French, who were late comers to Indian trade, was becoming acute. In southern India the British and the French allied with opposed political factions within the successor states to the Mughals to extract gains for their own companies and to weaken the position of their opponents. Private ambitions were also involved. Great personal rewards were promised to the European commanders who succeeded in placing their Indian clients on the thrones for which they were contending. A successful kingmaker, like Robert Clive, could become prodigiously rich.


A new empire in India

...the governors of the Company's commercial settlements became governors of provinces...


Company government

hope it help you broo

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