English, asked by vaibhavithawait, 9 months ago

18) What are the two types of vitamin?
b) fat and water soluble c) sugar and starch
d) none
a) Sodium and zinc
of these
19) Overgrazing by cattle is one of the causes for
a) Deforestation
b) reforestation
c) poaching
d) extinct
is considered as farmer's friend.
a) Earthworm
b) silkworms
c) tapeworm
d) none of these
21) Name the disease caused by vitamin-B3 deficiency.
a) Anaemic
b) pellagra
c) rickets
d) non
22) Farm animals are kept in
a) Shelter
b) home
c) farm
d) zoo
23) Tigers are hunted for their
a) skin
b) horn
c) tusk
d) hair​


Answered by Anonymous

18...sodium zinc19...a20a21b22c23amark as brainliest

Answered by SatishKumarVerma


18. sodium and zinc

19. extinct

20. Earthworms

21. non

22. farm

23. hair

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