19. झरिया प्रसिद्ध है-
(क) लौह-अयस्क के लिए (ख) कोयला के लिए
(ग) ताँबा के लिए
(घ) बॉक्साइट के लिए
20. 'सूचना पाने का अधिकार' अधिनियम कब पारित हुआ?
- (क) अक्टूबर, 2005 में (ख) मार्च, 2005 में
(ग) जनवरी, 2006 में (घ) अप्रैल, 2007 में
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yejdns she did hdbd did she did she get you a call from ahsjsn a small to medium are you going to you and you tell regards to your home you can see that the the intended recipients are prohibited from disclosing the contents uu the the intended recipient please send me the intended recipients and may contain confidential or legally privileged and confidential and intended addressee you are not sure if you have to be in touch with you are not the number of class and I am not sure if it was taken by you still have a good day and I have to take the
Answered by
19.ঝৰিয়া প্ৰসিদ্ধ হে-(ক)লৌহ-অযস্ক কে লিএ।
20.'সুচনা পানে কা অধিকাৰ' অধিনিয়ম (খ)মাৰ্চ,2005 মে।
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