English, asked by ItsSpiderman44, 8 months ago

(19) Stephen Hawking is an astrophysicist who made path
breaking discoveries about the black hole in space. He also wrote
‘A Brief History of Time', 'Black Holes and Baby Universes
books that gave him cult status in Britain and America. The
amazing thing is that he did all this even though he suffered from
ALS, a degenerative nerve disease that has kept him in the
wheelchair for most of his life.
Imagine that you are interviewing Stephen. Write 8 to 10
questions that you would ask him.​


Answered by Anonymous


(1) Would you say that you are an even greater scientiat than Albert Einstein?

(2) To what extent has Albert Einstein inspired you?

(3) Which has been your favourite area in physics, Sir?

(4) What have you been suffering from, Sir?

(5) Sir, has your physical disability ever let you down?

(6) How did you manage to do so much despite your disability?

(7) Sir, what prompted you to write ‘A Brief History of Time?

(8) What will your next book be about?

(9) Why would you want people to read that book?

(10) Sir, what is your advice to modern-day students?

Answered by Anonymous


1 - Does because of watching black hole you suffered from ALS

2-How you was able to think this much even getting less time .

3 - Does any alien asked you anything

4-when you was fit and healthy when you watched black hole you typed in computer that now I know all secrets what does its mean

5 - Does wheelchair caused any problems etc

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