19. The length of a ballis 30 m and its width 15.5m. Vind the least number of spunetiesem
required to cover the flow of the hall
(0) without leaving any margin
(in leaving * margin of width mal
in each case, find the cost of the illes required at the rate of 50 per tile.
Answered by
. Hard Disk :
Hard Disk is the magnetic disk made of aluminium. It is used as main storage device on the computer. It uses metallic disk which is known as platter. Both sides of disk is used for storing data except the upper side of the uppermost disk and lower side of the lowermost disk. Magnetic oxide is used to coat the data storing surface.
2. Floppy Disk :
Floppy disk is the magnetic disk which contains single plastic disk. In the initial days of computer invention it was used as main storage device, later on it was used for carrying data from one computer to another but now-a-days it is almost not used. It requires floppy drive for the operation.
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