English, asked by solomonlalduhawma27, 6 months ago

✓ 19. When there is a contract
for the sale of unascertaineo
goods, property in the good
is not transferred to the
buyer until and unless. *​


Answered by suhanijaiswal1301


Passing of Property – Part 1

A sale of goods or property implies a transfer or passing of ownership to the buyer. The passing of property is an important aspect to help determine the liabilities and rights of both the buyer and the seller. Once a property is passed to the buyer, then the risk in the goods sold is that of the buyer and not the seller. This is true even if the goods are in the possession of the seller. Let us learn more about the passing of property in the Sale of Goods Act.

Passing of Property

There are four primary rules that govern the passing of property:

Specific or Ascertained Goods

Passing of Unascertained Goods

Goods sent on approval or “on sale or return”

Transfer of property in case of reservation of the right to disp

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