19. Which feature of industrial sector related to
time period before 1990?
The main features of the Indian Industrial sector on the eve of the Independence were: The period witnessed an increase in growth rate from .The period of the 1990s.
Some of the Salient features of the strategy of Industrial development adopted by India during 1950-90 were as follows : (a) Economic growth to be achieved during five year plans. (b) Public enterprises to play an important role. (c) Import substitution to be the centre of the process of industrialisation. (d) Domestic industries to be developed along with small scale industries. (e) Increase in export of industrial products. (f) Development of information technology and electronics industries. (g) Development of food processing industry. (h) Emergence of consultancy servicesRead more on Sarthaks.com - https://www.sarthaks.com/217686/describe-in-brief-the-strategy-of-industrial-development-adopted-by-india-during-1950-90