19. Write the HTML code to generate the following web page with the given below specifications:
Instructions: 5
• The Title of the page is “Recycle”
• The Background colour of the page is “Yellow”
• The font used for the Heading is Tahoma, colour is Blue and is align center.
• The sub heading in Verdana font the color is Red. Rest of the text is in the Arial Black Font.
• The name of the image is “Recycle.jpg”. It is aligned to the right
• The text,” How can you help?”, is a reading with level 2
• The links are provided in a Unordered List, with the Ordered List used in between.
• The pages are linked as follow:
❖ What is Garbage: Garbage.htm
❖ Meaning of Reduce, Recycle & Reuse: Recycle.htm
❖ Weekly Activities: Activ.htm
❖ Recycle City: RCity.htm
• Place a horizontal line across the webpage.
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