English, asked by linkparkar09, 1 month ago

OI people waited with bated breath to witness the lander's
touching down after the mission was launched on July 22 to cover nearly 4 lakh
kilometres in 47 days, a mood of gloom descended over the control centre after
ISRO Chairman K. Sivan made a sombre announcement in the presence of the
Prime Minister after some tense moments.
"Vikram lander's descent was as planned and normal performance was observed
upto an altitude of 2.1 km. Subsequently communication from the lander to ground
stations was lost", said Sivan, his voice choking.
A. State whether the following statement are True or False. Write 'T'for true
and 'F' for false statements :-
(i) India's recent attempt to attain a smooth landing on the Moon is a grand
success. (ii) ISRO stands for Indian Space Research Orientation. (iii) The
Chandrayaan-2 spacecraft began its journey to the Moon on 22 July. (iv) Lander
*Vikram" lost contact before it was to descend the final 2.1 km. and touch down on
the lunar surface. O
B. Answer each of the following questions in about 30 words:
(i) What made the scientists of ISRO disheartened? (ii) Comment on the ISRO
Chairman's reaction after contact with "Vikram” was abruptly lost. (iii) What was
the Indian Prime Minister's view regarding the country's space programme and
6. (a) Your school has directed you to place a report on “Mid day Meal Scheme" in you
chool Write a renort on the mid-day meals of your school pointing out its quality​


Answered by Anonymous



Knowledge about Quadratic equations -

★ Sum of zeros of any quadratic equation is given by ➝ α+β = -b/a

★ Product of zeros of any quadratic equation is given by ➝ αβ = c/a

★ A quadratic equation have 2 roots

★ ax² + bx + c = 0 is the general form of quadratic equation


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