English, asked by bhoomikarathore88, 6 months ago

1. John had a glass of hot milk before bed.
His ambition was to be a writer.
3. The man with a white beard is Suresh's grandfather.
4. Reading books on the train gives me a headache.
5. Buildings constructed during the war are not very durable.
6. Students loitering on the campus will be warned.
7. The children were walking along the road.
8. Gandhiji started his march from this place.
9. Trembling with excitement, Mary waited for her friend.
10. I looked for my books in all places.
11. Anu might have thought that you would meet her at the station.
12. The houses built recently are very attractive.
Write what kind of phrase (verb, adjective, adverb or noun phrase) is italicized.​


Answered by Vartikakataria

A proper noun is a noun that identifies a si ngle en tity and is used to refer to that entity, such as London, Jupiter, Sarah, or Microsoft, as distin guished from a common noun, which is a noun that re fers to a class of en tities and may be used when ref erring to in stances of a sp ecific cla ss

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