2.1 Scope of Environmental Studies
Scope of Environmental Studies
Scope of Environmental Studies
1. The study creates awareness among the people to know about various renewable and
nonrenewable resources of the region. The endowment or potential, patterns of utilization and
the balance of various resources available for future use in the state of a country are analysed in
the study.
2. It provides the knowledge about ecological systems and cause and effect relationships.
3. It provides necessary information about biodiversity richness and the potential dangers to the
species of plants, animals and microorganisms in the environment.
4. The study enables one to understand the causes and consequences due to natural and main
induced disasters (flood, earthquake, landslide, cyclones etc.,) and pollutions and measures to
minimize the effects.
5. It enables one to evaluate alternative responses to environmental issues before deciding an
alternative course of action.
6. The study enables environmentally literate citizens (by knowing the environmental acts, rights,
rules, legislations, etc.) to make appropriate judgments and decisions for the protection and
improvement of the earth.
7. The study exposes the problems of over population, health, hygiene, etc. and the role of arts,
science and technology in eliminating/ minimizing the evils from the society.
8. The study tries to identify and develop appropriate and indigenous eco-friendly skills and
technologies to various environmental issues.
9. It teaches the citizens the need for sustainable utilization of resources as these resources are
inherited from our ancestors to the younger generating without deteriorating their quality.
10. The study enables theoretical knowledge into practice and the multiple uses of environment