2.(1) Try floating a sewing needle on water. In order for this activity to work, the needle needs to be very clean as even the oil
from your fingers can be suficient to alect the surface properties of the needle. (2) Place the bristes of a paint brush into water,
Pull the brush out and notice that for a short while, the bristles will stick together. The surface tension of the water surrounding
the bristles is sufficient to hold the bristles together. As the bristles dry out the surface tonsion etfeet dissipates. () Place a loop
of thread on the surfuce of still water in such a way that all of the thread is in contact with the water. Note the shape of the loop.
Now place a drop of detergent into the middle of the loop. What happens to the shape of the loop? Why? (Sprinkle pepper
onto the surface of water. Add a drop of detergent. What happens? Why? (5) Float two matches parallel to each other and add a
drop of detergent between them. What happens? Note: For cach new experiment, the water needs to be replaced and the bowl
washed to free it of any residual detergent. (You can complete tivo of these questions as part of your home ork. In your
submitted home work, you should pictures taken your phone to show the experiments of homework.)
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(a) Bhagvan was beaten because he insisted on the tankers being emptied in the storage tank. This was against the wishes of the upper caste people in the village.
(b) This is a clear case of caste-based discrimination. In this case, people from upper caste want to enjoy all the comforts. They also want to deny the lower caste people even the basic need of drinking water.
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