1) 15
2) 17
3) 19
4) 12
by process ...
Step-by-step explanation:
Because it is in the order of Prime Numbers
Step-by-step explanation:
All the numbers used are from the set of prime numbers :
[2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37,….]
Given the operations:
2 + 7 = 17 {prime number 1 + prime number 4 = prime number 7}
3 + 11 = 19 {prime number 2 + prime number 5 = prime number 8 }
The plus (+) sign here is not the addition operator as we know it. The operations should be seen as a function operating over the set of prime numbers, taking the nth and (n+3)th prime numbers as inputs and giving the (n+6)th prime number as the output.
So, in this scheme,
5 + 13 = 23 {prime number 3 + prime number (3+3 ) = prime number (3+6) },
5 + 13 = 23 {prime number 3 + prime number 6 = prime number 9 }.
The next operation would be:
{prime number 4 + prime number (4+3 ) = prime number (4+6) }
= {prime number 4 + prime number 7 = prime number 10 }
which is:
7 + 17 = 29.
Here is a Python (2.7) illustration:
- print "If 2 + 7 = 17, 3 + 11 = 19, what is 5 + 13?"
- print ""
- def prime(n): # Function to determine if number,n is prime.
- flag = True
- for j in range(2,n+1):
- if (n % j ==0 and j<>n): # n is composite (not prime).
- flag = False
- return flag
- else:
- if n ==j: # all possible divisors checked. Number,n is prime.
- return flag
- def primeplus(n): # Function "adds" prime(n) and prime(n+3) to give prime(n+6).
- a = setofprimes[n]
- b = setofprimes[n+3]
- c = setofprimes[n+6]
- print a,"+",b,"=",c
- setofprimes = []
- for n in range(1,100):
- if prime(n):
- setofprimes += [n] # Create a list of prime numbers
- print "Here are the answers for the first 10 operations in this scheme:"
- print ""
- for k in range(10):
- primeplus(k)
Here is the output:
If 2 + 7 = 17, 3 + 11 = 19, what is 5 + 13?
Here are the answers for the first 10 operations in this scheme:
2 + 7 = 17
3 + 11 = 19
5 + 13 = 23
7 + 17 = 29
11 + 19 = 31
13 + 23 = 37
17 + 29 = 41
19 + 31 = 43
23 + 37 = 47
29 + 41 = 53
Good luck!