4×6+4 = 28
5×2+5 = 15
6×3+6 = 24
7×9+7 = 70
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Step-by-step explanation:
We have: 2+4=10⇒
4+6=28⇒ These ar all multiplications added by another
5+2=15⇒ number
So, we will have:
2*4+a =10⇒a=2 ⇒we have some rules for numbers:
4*6+b= 28⇒b=4 I. the first 2 numbers will be double (from 2 to
5*2+c= 15⇒c=5 Ex: 2,4; 7,9; 12,14 and so on
6*3+d=24⇒d=6 II. the next 2 numbers will be in a row, starting
with the 2nd number from rule I. , Ex: (4),5,6; we also have to say that there are only 4 numbers in a row.
And, with everything we know we can say that 7+9= 7*9+e
If we follow the rules I and II we will find out that e=7
so, we will have: 7*9 + 7= 63+7=70