(2, 5); (3, 7); (5, 11); (7, 13); (11, 17) କ୍ରମିତ
ଯୋଡ଼ିମାନଙ୍କର 10ମ କ୍ରମିତ ଯୋଡ଼ି କେତେ ?
(A) (23, 29)
(B) (19, 13) ।
(C) (20, 44)
| ତ ଏ
(D) (29, 37)
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How can you say variations are present in them? bio diversity is the mixture of all organisms and if any trouble takes place the eco balance will be affected. variations are present as thehumans , plants , animals , and micro-organisms are differ physically, chemically and biologically.Nov 3, 2015
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