Sociology, asked by seopathabisha, 9 months ago

2.5. Suggest TWO practical strategies that you could abide by to
prevent yourself from spreading fake news about a life-
threatening disease such as COVID-19. Motivate EACH
(2x 2=4)​


Answered by fahad828

Last week I returned home from a month-long trip during which – shock horror! – I was without an internet connection.

As if coming back to the reality of a global pandemic wasn’t enough to process, I was also bombarded by WhatsApp messages on the supposed risks of taking Ibuprofen and Facebook posts telling me to drink warm water to keep the virus away. And even though these messages and posts were well-intentioned – this type of information dissemination is anything but helpful.

As the SARS-CoV-2 virus – more popularly known as COVID-19 – has spread around the globe, conspiracy theories and rumours have also gone viral on social media platforms and other outlets. As World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus rightly said in February, “We’re not just fighting an epidemic; we’re fighting an infodemic”.

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