English, asked by atamashkhan786, 20 days ago

2 8. The sun was shining when I woke up this
Change these sentences as instructed and rewrite them in your notebook.
1. Diya gifted her friend a beautiful vintage lace tablecloth. (future continuous)
2. Tanya learnt acting at this institute. (present continuous)
3. Mia drew a charcoal sketch of her kitten's face. (past continuous)
4. Veer came late for the basketball practice today. (future continuous)
5. The cat and the dog are basking in the sun. (past continuous)
6. The children waited patiently for the show to start. (present continuous)
7. Arundhati will be teaching history at this school. (past continuous)
8. Vijay will bowl first. (future continuous)​


Answered by moonshreya9


) As soon as we lit the candle, the power supply was restored.

(Begin : No sooner ……….)

Ans : No sooner did we light the candle, than the power supply was restored.

ii) The bee is more industrious than all other creatures.

(Use ‘most industrious’)

Ans : The bee is the most industrious of all creatures.

iii) The old woman was too slow to catch the bus.

(Begin : The old woman was so ……………)

Ans : The old woman as so slow that she could not catch the bus.

iv) “I’ll do it tomorrow,” he promised.

(Re-write in indirect speech)

Ans : He promised to do it the next day.

v) Though Reema got an expensive gift she was not happy.

(Re-write in indirect speech)

Ans : Inspite of getting an expensive gift, Reema was not happy.

vi) I prefer reading a book to watching a movie.

(Begin : I would rather………………)

Ans : I would rather read a book than watch a movie.

vii) I have never seen Mr Roy lose his temper.

(Begin : Never …………..)

Ans : Never have I seem Mr Roy lose his temper.

viii) She found your keys in the garage.

(Begin : The keys………….)

Ans : The keys were found in the garage by her.

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