9. Derive the condition for a balanced Wheatstone bridge clearly using a diagram
S = 622
1, = 40 cm GO
to 100 - 4
Metre scale
$= 5 V K
A) State the mathematical expression in terms of R, S and I to be satisfied for two points B & D to behave as
equipotential points
B) What will be the effect of connecting milliammeter in series with E and kz in the external ckt, on above
expression stated by you? Give reason for your answer.
C) State any one error in measurement of R using this method. How is this error minimized?
D) If wire AC in above fig has resistance 0.10/cm and cell has negligible internal resistance, calculate the
current derived from 5V battery
Answered by
ans: above written answer is the solution of first question only

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