Chemistry, asked by aparajitakapse, 9 months ago

2)A piston confines 0.100 mol Ar(g) in 1.00 L at 25 C. Two experiments are performed. (a) The gas is allowed to expand through an additional 1.00 L against a constant pressure of 1.00 atm. (b) The gas is allowed to expand reversibly and isothermally to the same final volume. Which process does more work?​


Answered by Anonymous


Los Altos High, Los AltosENGLISHENGLISH WriEg reversible isothermal expansion of an ideal gas P ex V nRT const constant

Eg reversible isothermal expansion of an ideal gas p

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E.g. reversible, isothermal expansion ofan ideal gasPexV = nRTconst= constant- Work done is the area beneath the ideal gas isothermlying between the initial and the final volumes.

2013 General Chemistry I12EXAMPLE 7.2A piston confines 0.100 mol Ar(g) in a volume of 1.00 L at 25oC. Twoexperiments are performed. (a) The gas is allowed to expand throughan additional 1.00 L against a constant pressure of 1.00 atm. (b) Thegas is allowed to expand reversibly and isothermally to the samefinal volume. Which process does more work?(a) Irreversible path:(b) Reversible path:

2013 General Chemistry I13Self-Test 7.2AA

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