Biology, asked by blazeayaan12, 5 months ago

2. A student cuts out four cylinders of potato. Each cylinder is 30mm long. The cylinders are all of the same diameter. The potato cylinders are placed in sugar solutions of different concentrations. After one hour, the lengths of the cylinders are measured again. The results are shown in the table. Which sugar solution has a water potential closest to that of the potato cells?



Answered by learningcell


B sugar solution has water potential closest to that of potato cell


because the change in length of cylinder is least in cylinder B.

this means least amount of water has enter the cylinder from the sugar solution, by process of endosmosis, compared to others

Answered by jeeyapatel458


B sugar solution has water potential closest to that of potato cell


because the change in length of cylinder is least in cylinder B.

this means least amount of water has enter the cylinder from the sugar solution, by process of endosmosis, compared to others

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