2. Answer any four questions : 54-20
(a)' Explain the scope of environment,
(b) What is soil pollution? Discuss any
three measures to control soil
(c) Elaborate the components of curric-
ulum in Environmental Education,
(d) Explain the importance of environ-
mental ethics.
(e) Discuss the concept of Criterion-
Referenced Evaluation in Environ-
mental Education.
the first things that you need are a little more than the most important to me gusta
a) The scope of environmental studies is very wide and it deals with many areas like i) Conservation of natural resources, ii) ecological aspects, iii) pollution of the surrounding natural resources, iv) controlling the pollution, v) social issues connected to it, and vi) impacts of human population on the environment.
b) soil pollution as part of land degradation is caused by the presence of xenobiotics chemicals or other alteration in the natural soil environment. It is typically caused by industrial activity, agricultural chemicals or improper disposal of waste.
1. Plant more trees
2. Use natural alternatives to toxic substances3. Purchase organic produce
d) Environmental ethics are a key feature of environmental studies, that establishes a relationship between humans and the earth. With environmental ethics, you can ensure that you are doing your part to keep the environment safe and protected.