English, asked by pinkirao3819, 4 months ago

2. Answer the following questions.
a. What were the two reasons that made Triveni a popular writer?
b. What was the story in Karmaveera? Why did grandmother identify with the story?
c. In those days, a wedding was a great event. Why does the narrator feel so?
d. Why could the grandmother not pursue her education?
e. Why did the grandmother feel dependent and helpless?
f. Why and how did the narrator reward the grandmother?
g. How did the grandmother show her gratitude towards her granddaughter?


Answered by amitsiv777


(a)Triveni was a popular Kannada writer. Her simple and easy style and interesting stories made her a popular writer.

(b)The grandmother depended on her granddaughter to know the story because she was uneducated. She could not read the story on her own.

(c)Two sentences that show the desperation of the grandmother to know the story are:

(1)‘She would forget all her work and listen with the greatest concentration.’

(2)‘More than anybody else, she was the one most interested in knowing what happened next in the story.’

(d)Yes, the grandmother succeeded in accomplishing her desire to read. She took the help of her granddaughter who taught her the Kannada alphabet.

(e) (i) Determined.

The grandmother can be best described as determined because of her resolve towards gaining education.

Answered by ronaksihag101


electronic configuration, also called electronic structure, the arrangement of electrons in energy levels around an atomic nucleus. According to the older shell atomic model, electrons occupy several levels from the first shell nearest the nucleus, K, through the seventh shell, Q, farthest from the nucleus.

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