English, asked by ajaybhattrud123, 10 months ago

2. Answer the following questions in short-
a) Why did the king want no more talk about the hilsa fish?
b) On getting Gopu Mama's chappals, the music teacher tried not to look too happy. Why?
c) Describe the music teacher, as seen from the window.
d) What jobs are new ants trained for?
e) Name some other cfeatures that live in anthills.
its urgent​


Answered by goklaniridhi


(a)The king did not want any more talk about the hilsa-fish because it was the season for hilsa-fish and no one could stop talking about it for even five minutes.

(b)The music teacher tried not to look happy because he did not wanted to reveal his happiness of getting newchappals of Gopu Mama to others. He wanted to show that his own chappalswere more expensive and branded one. Actually, he was very happy aftergetting Gopu Mama's chappals.

(c)As seen from the window, music teacher had the bony figure. He had a mostly bald head with a fringe of oiled black hair falling around his ears and an old-fashioned tuft. A gold chain gleamed around his leathery neck, and a diamond ring glittered on his hand as it glided up and down the stem of the violin.

(d)The jobs which the new ants are trained for are workers, soldiers, builders, cleaners, etc.

(e)In the story “The Tiny Teacher", the other creatures that live in anthills are greenflies, beetles and a lesser breed of ants. The ants give these creatures shelter because they derive sweet juices and pleasant aromas from them. The ants considerthe greenfly as their cow.

Hope it helps you

plz mark as brainliest

Answered by RonitHelper5678


a) the king was getting frustrated because everyone in the court was talking about the hilsa fish. None could stop thinking about it or talking about it. b) on getting Gopu mama's chappals the music teacher tried not to look happy as he thought they would take them away and change their mind. c) the music teacher was scrawny,had a ponytail so shiny, and a ring which was gleaming. d) new ants are trained to be workers, soldiers,etc. Ants with wing fight to become the next queen. e) beetles, lesser breeds of ants and the green fly live in anthills.

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