2. As the background color use the color Blue, and add a heading 1 with the text as your complete name. Use Pink as text color and align it to center.
The following code has been written using Hyper text markup language.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<body bgcolor=blue>
<h1 style="color:pink"><center>hwh</center></h1>
What is HTML?
- HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. It is used to create websites. It is a Markup Language and not a Programming language. HTML describes the structure of a website. HTML elements are also known as tags. HTML tells the browsers how to display the content.
Some important tags in HTML:
- <!Doctype> tag defines the document type.
- <html> tag defines the HTML document.
- <head> tag defines the information for the document.
- <title> tag defines the title of the document.
- <body> tag is defines the body of the document.
- <h1> to <h6> tag is used for HTML headings.
- <p> tag us used for paragraph.
- <br> tag is used for insert a line break.
- <b> tag is used for bold text.
- <u> tag is used for underline text.
- <i> tag is used for Italic text.
- <hr> tag is used for horizontal line.
Learn more on Brainy.in
1. Bgcolor is Used to specify the path of the picture to be displayed in background in a webpage true/false
- brainly.in/question/32579060
2. Prateek wants to draw horizontal line on the webpage he is creating but he does not know which HTML tag he has to use for the same. Suggest him how to do this?
- brainly.in/question/41322460
First create an external file of css link it to html file .
In Html :
<head><title> Here you give the title </title></head>
In Css: